A day after Chiranjeevi’s ‘official’ retirement from acting, his son Ram Charan expressed his disappointment with his dad’s decision. He said he hoped to do a song like “Kajra Re..” with Chiranjeevi in Telugu. Amitabh and his son Abhishek Bachchan had danced to the superhit song - “Kajra Re..” in the film Bunty Aur Babli. Though Chiru and Ram Charan shared screen space in the all-time-biggest grosser Magadheera, fans they didn’t do a song together or a full length film like Amitabh and Abhishek did.
Ram Charan tweeted: “I dreamt of doing a song like Kajra Re with Dad. I really envy Abhishek Bachchan to have done so many movies with his dad.”
Chiru's statement on Tuesday (June 28) that he completely bid good-bye to films and acting made his fans feel sad. They hoped that he'd complete his dream of completing 150 movies, just short of a film.